Sensitive insertion of new gallery space at the historic Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum
Aleš Jungmann

Sensitive insertion of new gallery space at the historic Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum

23 Aug 2023  •  News  •  By Allie Shiell

In Olomouc, Czech Republic, the Archdiocesan Museums hold a permanent exhibition of the spiritual culture of the Olomouc Archdiocese and an art gallery with paintings and sculptures collected by Olomous bishops since the 16th century. The entire historic fabric of the museum complex underwent a complex conservation reconstruction from 1998 to 2006. The most recent intervention, by Šépka architekti, sees a sensitive yet exciting insertion of a new gallery space within the existing attic construction.

photo_credit Aleš Jungmann
Aleš Jungmann


A new concrete object by Šépka architekti, with a total usable area of 152 square meters and an enclosed area of 636 cubic meters, is inserted into the existing attic, which, including its roofing, is left in its original state. This new object adapts to the geometry of the sloping attic while maintaining its distance from the historic structure. 

photo_credit Aleš Jungmann
Aleš Jungmann


The central question for the architects was the degree of intervention in the existing attic. It was determined that it was not appropriate to insulate the wooden structures, so standard thermal insulation of the attic space was rejected. 

photo_credit Sepka Architekti
Sepka Architekti


Designed as if placed in an outdoor setting, all perimeter structures of the new subject meet the required thermal and technical parameters and can integrate technologies such as heating, air conditioning, cooling or lighting. The architects note that they did not have to deal with waterproofing, however, as this was covered by the existing roof, which remained untouched. 
The new insertion corresponds to the modern day while retaining a certain patina and atmosphere. For example, in the attic, there is a permanent exhibition mapping the history of St Wenceslas Hill from prehistoric times to the present day. Further, thanks to the glass openings from the new exhibition hall, you can see the upper part of the vault, a fascinating historical element of the chapter deanery. 

photo_credit Aleš Jungmann
Aleš Jungmann


It is also possible to look through additional glazing in the remaining part of the attic, which is left in its current state and where some exhibits can also be displayed.