Dos Lobos Barbershop
Horacio Virissimo

Dos Lobos Barbershop

studio na als Architecten

Photos: Horacio Virissimo
Graphic Design: Bárbara Pompa


Dos Lobos Barbershop is born out of friendship, two friends joining their passion for grooming and networking decided to venture into creating their own men's grooming salon. The main focus of the space is to create a social environment where men can not only take care of themselves, but also share a coffee, have a beer and network with like minded individuals and create their own "pack".

photo_credit Horacio Virissimo
Horacio Virissimo

Our client sought to have an "ultra masculine" aesthetic that ignored convention and elements of the traditional barbershop. The solution was to center our design on the materials used in the interior, going for a very monolithic look with stone, concrete and urban lettering elements. These elements are translated into the branding, looking for angular, masculine fonts that are both urban and neolithic.

photo_credit Horacio Virissimo
Horacio Virissimo
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