Ecosat Velo is an exclusive new satin-finish glass from Vitrealspecchi. Compared to ordinary acid-etched glass, it offers higher luminous transmission (8 mm thick, extra-clear: 87.4%), easier cleaning, also in the transformation phase, and a very competitive price-quality ratio. These characteristics make it ideal above all for all-glass doors and partition walls which have to provide effective screening but which are less opaque close up and therefore look lighter. And that’s not all: the extreme silkiness of the surface is pleasing to touch and also more resistant to fingerprints, properties highly appreciated in buildings exposed to frequent contact with the public.
Ecosat Velo is made in plates measuring 2250/2400/2550 x 3210 mm, up to 12 mm in thickness, clear and extra-clear.
Technical description
- Base material: monolithic float glass to UNI EN 572 1-2: 2004 / laminated to UNI EN 1449:2005. - Description and characteristics: one side is chemically and permanently opacified. The defining properties of this glass are its high luminous transmission and an extraordinary silky touch, fruit of an exclusive process.This special finish ensures greater resistance to fingerprints and easier. cleaning, also in the transformation phase, than the maté finish. - Light transmittance thickness 8 mm, extraclear: 87,4%. - Plate sizes: 2250/2400/2550 x 3210 mm. - Thicknesses: monolithic 4/5/6/8/10/12 mm, laminated 33.1/44.1/55.1 mm. - Weight: 2,5 kg/sqm/mm thickness. - Colours: extraclear, clear. - Admitted processes: all mechanical and heat processes compatible with the base material (cutting, grinding, bevelling, etching, drilling, laminating, double glazing, painting, enamelling, tempering, bending, etc.). - Interior/Exterior applications: doors & windows, partitions walls, furniture, building etc.