Evolution LeanTo Retractable Systems and Retractable Roofs are designed to provide an operable extension to an existing building, giving you the flexibility of an indoor or outdoor living experience in the same area. These Retractable Structures can be operated manually or motorized, using the most advanced technology SecurTrak™ or rail-free TeleGlide™ system for making the operations simple and easy.
LeanTo Retractable Systems and Roofs:
Evolution Lean-To structures are manufactured to site-specific as based only EL model. There are extensive door and window options to provide access and ventilation without opening the system. The system can be a hybrid solution of FreeStanding and LeanTo systems.
LeanTo systems need an existing structure such as a building or steel support to install its wall rails. LeanTo systems act as a part of the existing structure, to provide a roof and wall cover that can retract to the sides. Different from FreeStanding and other retractable structures LeanTo systems can be integrated with a TeleGlide™ (Trackless) system depending on the span of the installed system.