Orria is inspired by the space that accommodates it. The architecture of the Oval Room and the thousands of volumes that line its walls speak of study, of the pages that are turned, of the rare and ancient books that are consulted. We wanted this chair to be equal to the grandeur of the room, while remaining discreet in its features and genuine in its choice of materials.
As designers, our role is to provide objects that are of service not only to their users, but also to all those who interact with them. Orria is an example of this desire to situate an object in its daily life, in its usage. Every day it will welcome hundreds of readers, but our proposal had to take into account all its uses, considering not only those who use it as a seat, but also those who have to lift it every morning and evening to clean the room.
The expertise of the Mobilier National’s Atelier de Recherche et Création, the prototyping work carried out, followed by the full-scale development by the Basque manufacturer Alki, its skill in working with wood, have enabled us to offer a piece that links the French tradition of joinery with that of the avant-garde of contemporary craftsmanship.
Following BnF's principle of openness to all, Alki offers the Orria chair. Pure in its lines, Orria is singular and demanding in its design. Based on a traditional mortise and tenon assembly, it showcases all the expertise of Alki's craftsmen in solid bent oak and upholstery.