In today’s Western society, digital communication, networking and the Web 2.0 are parts of our daily life. The constant ‘real time’ connection is changing us, our environment and the perception of it.
On the threshold of the post-digital society the limits of space and time are abolished. The physical dematerialization is a true consequence. The Bauhaus industrial product has become obsolete. Hybrid objects are becoming media, surfaces transform into spaces and spaces turn into unsharp gradients.
In an accelerated era full of freedom of forms and the change as a status quo I am creating an object which itself has no definite state and which is capable of interacting with the user and his environment.
“www” is an interpretation of the ‘shelf’ archetype. Between form and function, between space and dimension, between a not-yet and a not-anymore it creates concrete opportunities and specific associations. Through its parts it is not only a modular system, but also a type of installation in an ever changing space.