Site: The site is located at the heart of Porvoo’s valuable seaside milieu. The design cosists of a group of holidayhouses with a multiuse mainbuilding.
Architecture: The seaside view is shaped by the trees and rocks of the beach that surround the pitchroof buildingshapes. The building materials and colours are influenced by the soilid, grey rock, surraouding forest and the local traditional Porvoo seaside building colours. The timber cladding continues to the roof and interior spaces, enhancing the architecture that it otherwise modest and fragmented. The buildings are connected and seperated by greenroofed buildingunits, that are roofed with vegitation and growing medium. The thin sturctures have uniform high pitched roofs; facing to the sea, the pitches create a holistic deisgn within the landscape.
Energy and ecology: The building materials mainly consist of Finnish timber. The walls are well thermally insulated utilising the wood’s hygroscopic properties. On top of the thermal insulation, the smart solutions and control of the building services are intergral within the design. The design principles use the passivehouse standards as a norm, incorporating active and passive solar energy.