3D Printed Façade for EU Building

3D Printed Façade for EU Building
Courtesy of Ossip van Duivenbode

3D Printed Façade for EU Building

DUS architects realises façade design with large scale bio-plastic 3D prints for the Dutch EU Presidency 2016. The EU Presidency takes place in the Netherlands for half a year starting January2016 at the Amsterdam Marineterrein (Marine Area). Here European politicians gather in the mobile ‘Europe Building’ made especially for this event. Eye catcheris the entrance façade designed by DUS architects, which consists of unique 3Dprinted elements made of bio-plastic that can be fully recycled after the presidencyis over.

Historical sailing ships and digital fabrication The entrance of the building is partially constructed with playfully shaped sails that refer to the historical sailing ships that used to be built in this area. This creates alcoves, which house EU-bluecoloured 3D-printed benches. The printed patterns build up from large to small and round to squareand depict the variety and community of the EU countries. At night the sails are lit gradually witha pulsing light.

XXL 3D printing Every seating element is parametrically designed and fits perfectly within each alcove. They are prototypes developed especially for the EU presidency, and printed locally with the XXL 3D printerof the 3D Print Canal House in Amsterdam. This life-size printer can print elements up to 2 x 2 x 3,5meters. The prints are made of a specially developed bio-plastic and the seating surfaces are filledwith a light-coloured concrete. The bio-plastic can be shredded and reprinted after the presidencyis over. This is the first time in the world that these kinds of XXL 3D prints are being shown in thepublic domain.

The entire building chain contributes to innovation The project is the first commercial spin-off resulting from the collaborations on the 3D Print Canal House: an initiative of DUS architects and partners. The production of the 3D prints has been doneby Actual, an Amsterdam-based start-up that develops online customizing software for buildingelements linked to XL 3D printing. The façade has been developed in a very short time spanthanks to the close collaboration between the various parties: DUS (design), Actual (parametricdevelopment & 3D printing), Neptunus (temporary structures), TenTech (engineering), Henkel(material development), Philips (light), and Heijmans (construction and assembly). Heijmans, aninnovation-driven building company, is a special partner of this project.

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