Carabanchel is a neighborhood in Madrid that is undergoing a very interesting transformation. In the past it was a working-class, semi-industrial neighborhood and it did not exactly enjoy a good reputation as an attractive place to move to live. It was separated from the city center by the M-30 highway.

Today, after the important underground work on this highway with the successful intervention of Madrid Río covering the highway with a fantastic linear park, where there used to be a deep barrier full of cars, there are now trees and pedestrians circulating from one side of the city to the other. Carabanchel has suddenly found itself integrated into the center of Madrid.

Many artists, entrepreneurs, creatives, gallery owners... have seen an opportunity in their somewhat obsolete industrial buildings to convert them into homes, workshops, creation spaces and new art-related businesses.

The NIT Apartments are designed to accommodate artists and creatives in this thriving and changing neighborhood. They are houses to live with art, to create, to live a season in Carabanchel, work here and interact with other artists, sharing experiences and points of view.

Apartments that are both functional and suggestive, where you can stay comfortably in the heart of the neighborhood after a long day creating, and finally relax to exchange opinions with other creative colleagues.
The architects have recycled some obsolete old homes, very unwelcoming and poorly lit and distributed to achieve contemporary, cheerful, colorful apartments directly connected to work spaces and offices.

Living and working in the same building is once again possible in a large city. It is not necessary to travel daily to the workplace, emitting CO2, spending valuable time in your daily life. These interventions create neighborhood and roots, people live and move through these streets. They are not just here to sleep, now they are part of the New Carabanchel.