The urban Project allows the incorporation of closed to public use of city land, degraded andlarge urban potential for its strategic location and characteristics.The project proposes to use a specific sector of the Marchi ́s island where the new AudiovisualPolo of the city is going to install, on the shores of the Rio de la Plata of Buenos Aires.Retrieving existing disused buildings, waterfront spaces for the creation of a new publicpromenade is generating quality public space and urban land development Audiovisual Poloincorporating mixed use for residential, commercial and educational services that coexist withthe specific use sector.
The project generated a renewed bond between a natural coastal environment on the riverwith the urban fabric of the city south, directing a greater relationship between both sidesbecause of an event that exceeds the influence of his activity, the specific space for creating anew strategic and open to the community urban space.The projec won first prize on oficial competition promoted by the Buenos Aires Government.