The 165sqm house is located in the outskirts of a small town called Les Olives in the area of Baix Emporda, next to Girona in Spain. The construction is part of urban plan that limits the growth of the town, the house appears in the limit between town and nature. This singular location gives the house its character: it closes itself towards the street and opens up to the views of the surrounding fields. Besides the contrast between town and nature, there’s the presence of a strong norther wind. To avoid this issue, the house protects itself through a concrete wall on the north and grows around a patio on the south facade. This way the house is always understood as a sequence of open and closed spaces that have a visual relation with the exterior.
The house is divided in two levels to adapt the construction to the slope and the natural topography. Located in the upper level we find a the main access, a small studio with bathroom and kitchen. In the lower levels there’s the main areas of the house: living room with dining area and integrated kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom.
The construction system is a crosslaminated wood structure that serves as structure and interior finish. The main goal was to achieve structural and visual unity between walls and ceiling. The floor is a continuos concrete with rounded stones. The roof is vegetal and is covered with local species of plants.