The assembly of the exhibitionlooks for the most contemporanyimagewherethecrowdcouldcapturetheatmosphere of how of a changethecomunication, cultureandknowledgeworld, that englobes a library, has suffered. Thevisitor, onceimmersedinto a clear anddirectenvironment, approaches to the contents throughthecronologicwallandthethematicclasification of the interactives screens.
Theexhibition's principal hall is completelywhite, cleanandluminous as Eugeni d'Ors'sfounding text claimedhowthe Popular Librariesweremeant to be. TheCloudThissubtleexhibitionaims to buildanabstractconcept for us. A technologicalcloud as a metaphor of wherethe important task of storingandcaring for all information, whichproducescontemporarysociety, will be developed.