Western fusion restaurant in an old 3-storey building on Pattani Phirom Road, Muang District, Pattani Province, where it was once an important port for Malay Peninsular. The Bluebird Brasserie's location is in the historic old town that played an important and significant role in the past. Through the bank of Pattani river, comprised of Sino-Portuguese architecture, it is a unique cultural identity from the past to the present.
The Bluebird brasserie is designed by using the space of a 40 years old building. The building was originally used as a Thai traditional massage shop, games shop and snooker club. Later in the 90s, got abandoned. The building eventually transformed into a swiftlet house and become dilapidated area finally.
The restaurant program sets on an old 3-storey building. First floor, is an open kitchen as a Western-style and Fine Dinning. The second floor, is still Fine Dinning, long seats along the windows by opening the original Facade into full-ceiling windows. The design related to the proportion of the original building. Going up to the third floor, is the Rooftop Deck that open space as a full outdoor dinning area with the bar as a semi-outdoor area. Moreover, customers can also walk up to the rooftop of the bar as a viewpoint to see Pattani Skyline and Pattani River.
Internal spaces are connected by vertical circulation by using the stairwell. Some of the existing staircase structures have been preserved. The existing structural raw cement floor remained as the length of time, vanished by white epoxy but can still see texture, but put on a new surface with the gloss of modern materials. It is a combination of design work which retains the structure and style of the original building, modifying to be modernity. Some of the walls been preserved. The new walls match with old structure, blend together though the design. In order to overlap the image of the old building and the new function. The original wooden staircase can’t be used that leadings up to the third floor, has been transformed into a light exposed steel staircase that overlooks the structure and stair hall. It is the design intention to show the feature of black and white line graphic wall running along the stair hall wall from the first to the the third floor, Make the rustic stair hall look more relaxed.
In terms of architecture, the exterior was designed to maintain the original condition as possible. The original structure that shows signs of time, adjusting all 3 levels facade with large doors and windows, to get more natural light in the daytime and open up the interior space. Connecting the interior and exterior areas from inner court yard at the middle. The second floor, providing long seats along the large windows. And the rooftop deck area with semi outdoor bar that continuously connected, also including rooftop lounge.
Since it is an old building, dilapidated and abandoned, obscured by new modern buildings. If looking for the building, it is difficult to perceive it from the outside. Standing at the back, hence, it becomes unique of Bluebird Brasserie. Architect try keep character by opening the entrance but not reveal the building. Open space can be seen from the entrance designed just for landscape. The main concept of the design is to blend Bluebird Brasserie as urban texture with urban areas and environments. A large entrance connected to the outside pavement, there is only a drawing on the wall to represent as a signage and an urban feature to the city at the same time. When entering to the restaurant, seeing a new one-storey building, built as approach foyer, it is the first part of the building that customers have to walk through and meet open court yard, an open green space for trees to penetrate through the gaps between the buildings. Creating an enclosed space privacy, in this way, the sense of scale of the building is from the context the building lurks. And become part of it that has been for 40 years. But now, it is a new status as Bluebird Brassiere.