The Boston Society of Architects Housing Committee in partnership with the City of Boston sought innovative sustainable housing typologies to respond to a city’s need to house the continuing life cycles of its residents. In response to growing density in urban areas, cities will renovate and repurpose existing areas. The design competition stimulated a new round of planning, charged with harnessing growth and extending it to neighbourhoods that remain overlooked and undervalued.
GBL Architects proposed to redevelop an existing contaminated brownfield site along the Chelsea Creek in East Boston. The proposed development of the site serves as the first stage of a larger effort to connect the entire East Boston waterfront. As further industrial land is reclaimed, the incremental development could eventually create a continuous link around the waterfront. A sustainable mix of diverse housing typologies, residents, amenities and public space are physically connected through an interweaving network of boardwalks and open amenity spaces, enhancing the opportunity for social interaction and communal well-being.