Situated in the town parish in the province of Burdur and are inadequate in today's circumstances be converted into open-air market is a project of the area covered market area .
One day a week and socializing areas of the city, which is one of the most active trading market place on other days of the effective use uygulanmıştır.ihtiyac on the provision of an improved program designed to meet the market place storey building; covered parking, multipurpose hall, rented commercial shops, cafes and sports fields is supported by . Caught in the middle of the city, living in this area , developing and producing area has been targeted to be converted .
Towards this goal , especially within the city's greatest deficiency is one of the multi-purpose meeting halls, cultural function under the name of building a place in bulmuştur.ayn in the way rented shops with a municipal cultural and sports events organize and to develop its resources have been created , so trade all the days yayılmıştır.sp fields placement with the use of the structure is diversified .
Starting with the desire to design indoor market , with new functionality added and mixed together into a structure supports all these functions form a spiral with transparent facades sağlanmıştır.yerel Parish integrity of travertine show again found himself in this design ; square front and a meeting was used as a coating material .