Design firm and footwear brand, both Dutch, teamed up for a Paris Fashion Week exhibition, in which 150 concrete pillars and “botanical clouds” express the label’s inspiration from architecture, nature, and urban culture.
Flip Ziedses Des Plantes, director of FZDP design studio tells that he shares the same inspiration sources (architecture, nature and urban culture) with the young architect and founder of Filling Pieces, Guillaume Philibert. This was the perfect basis for a series of collaborations for Filling Pieces Fashion Week exhibitions in Paris and NYC.
FZDP design studio navigates the area in between art and design. It stands out in generating strong conceptual stories and manifesting these stories into distinctive design creations. In this case the studio created "a landscape for sneakers" as the studio refuses to design displays or standard fashion retail environments.
The landscape of 150 concrete pillars, in art gallery Perrotin, Paris, is grouped in 'islands' that are overcast by botanical clouds of real plants floating in mid-air,.
The objective of the exhibition was to impress the visitors and communicate the brand’s identity and DNA in an abstract way. Mission accomplished! The exhibition was so successful that the brand decided to apply the design of the concrete elements and plants in many shops and department stores around the world. The elements became a visual beacon for Filling Pieces customers in retail.
Material Used:
1. The concrete pillars are made out of cement and wood bonded particle board. It has the flexibility of wood and the look of poured concrete.
Brand:Viroc Supplier: Baars en Bloemhoff The Netherlands
2. Over 150 real tropical trailing plants were used for this branded art installation