The house is a 5-bedroom house with the GFA about 650 sqm. located in a private alley, so the environment around is very safe and calm. The Design brief from the owner was a reference image of a Japanese stone courtyard at Ryoanji Temple in Japan. The owner wanted to have the similar kind of stone court in the house. There were also site issues from the noise from a few Mosques around the area, and the bad smell from a dumpsite when it rains.

Typically, in our tropical climate we try to avoid an enclosed courtyard due to the strong sunlight and heat. This house was an exception we made a different design approach. We made it outside-in. We brought the stone court inside the control environment from noise and smell and deal with the rest.

We then created a closed stone courtyard with large skylight exactly the same size as the courtyard because we wanted to have the sunlight comes in and create shade and shadow on the pebble stones as the same as in the temple. We also create a chimney effect by lifting the skylight up with clerestory windows that can be operated manually via a roof hatch and catwalk around to open and close the windows to control smell and noise. These also let the hot air out and to enhance a natural ventilation from below.

We try to have as many doors and windows on the North and the South to create cross ventilation to avoid heat trap inside the house. When the house doors and windows opened, you will feel the natural breeze through the house, so we don’t need an air condition in the space. We also have a secret window behind aluminum slats that can be opened all day and night with safety.

We also simulated the shadow direction from the skylight and the minimize the frame to create the clean shadow lines in the direction we want on those walls. The shadow will move throughout the day from one side to the other. The wall on the upper level around the courtyard was hold off from the ceiling allowing a small gap to let heat in the corridor escape and also bring the natural light inside the corridor, so no need to turn on the artificially light in the daytime. This gap also creates a Japanese paper lantern like effect floating inside the space. The corridor wall with small linear small cut out is to providing privacy for the bedrooms and to accentuate the courtyard below.

The house is mostly in white with natural wood color to represent simplicity and calmness. The courtyard now connects between the long bookshelf along the corridor and the living and dining room. The small stone courtyard (4x6m) is now larger than it is as it being a part of the living area.