Donado 4432
Javier Agustin Rojas

Donado 4432

This project is a small collective housing building in the city of Buenos Aires on an urbanplot of 8.66 meters wide and 33 meters deep.The project works with an independent concrete structure where columns and beamsare hidden in the different wall enclosures such as the dividing wall and the interior divisions that organize the housing units. A vertical patio in the center of the plantorganizes the circulation and access from an illuminated space with a tree in the centerthat will grow up every year and manifesting the cycle of the seasons from the change ofcolor of the leaves. The material and color palette is very simple and seeks the greatestpossible continuity between the interior and the exterior.The search for a flat facade on the urban front produces the incorporation of theexpansions into the volume itself by adding another “atmosphere”within the smallrooms. These “interior” balconies are distributed in “tresbolillo” to reinforce the proposalof a plan without continuity solution. The façade is completely insulated and then protected with an aluminum cladding that materializes a 15cm deep fabric that reinforcesthe visualization of the metric of the module that conforms it and proposes a visualcomposition from the deep shade in the three steps of the balconies and the shortshadow of the weft that makes up the lining (1). The other material with which the project isconstructed are the reflections of the large glazed cloths that, far from being transparent,produce a reflective solid that varies all the time with the different types of light theyreceive throughout the day and are opposed to the deep shadow of the balconies.


Material used:

1. Facade cladding: Aluminium Cladding, ALPOLIC 
2. Flooring: Microtop, EDFAN GROUP               
3. Windows: Aluminium Frame, HYDRO              
4. Glass: Laminated glass; VASA     

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