A voracious industrial development has strongly modified the rustic scenery of the valley of tailings, with huge deposits of growing it and sheds. We used to associate refineries desolation. Large bore pipes moveth the valley to their terminals in the bay. An arid background surrounds all industrial activity. Austere mountains, barren landscape, desert in nature and hostile in its artifice.
The project respects the traces found in the factory's plot, an old limonar. They are simple forms, agricultural channels built with carrying stones. We developed a project to assemble the landscape with the new buildings. The promoter works in the improvement of the environment and this facilitated the speech. The manufacturing program and the proportions of the site allow preserve part of the trees, separating the industrial sheds from the office building and workers. The linear building as a single volume on a regular basis is arranged parallel to the road. Cut the garden, becoming access door to the enclosure.
Services Buildings, Offices and staff, of the bioethanol factory for fuel,are front and closing of the factory boundary. The stone wall of visual impact unifies the various functions, which are attached behind, protecting them from the strong exposure west of the Escombreras Valley.The offices are open to the outside; a lemon grove garden separates the manufacturing facilities and courtyards to light.
The wall of the façade combines the rock brought from the nearby mountains, with the geometry of the structural grid of reinforced concrete where it is piled. The stone manifests the link with the landscape. This combination of natural material typecast and framed by the structure, a frame of calculated rhythm is the only motif of the façade of more than 150 meters in length.The protocol access to the offices is done through the representative atrium, a recreational space, delimited by the façade wall. It contains a concrete pergola area, a pond and a small garden.
The building we project solves the program of administrative and technical needs of the factory and solves the needs generated by the staff who worksthere. Serenely expressive and evocative interiors , by the factory complex . The three functions that are required, technical, administrative and toilet complement, are arranged in U, around a courtyard / square sopen to the south . This depression of the courtyard rise ramps to entrances and creates platforms with different slopes , caused irregurales geometries where gardening and a small sheet of water is available.