SOME PREVIOUS CONDITIONS: _The installation runs on an underground parking _The hotel building will not consume the total occupiable plot surface; this intervention corresponds to a buildable floor area that could be developed in a future. _The solution has to be versatile enough for intense use giving up a welcoming picture of the hotel property at the same time.
OBJECTIVES. _To create a recognizable image of whole building _To generate a protected resting area, free of the negative influences from the tangent road and from the direct views of the surrounding residential building _To integrate elements of protection in the definition of the resting area. _To ensure easy maintenance of the installation by solid solutions and resistant materials for outdoors life without special requirements of frequent intervention _To improve hygrothermal environmental conditions by shading devices, vegetation and water fog.
AREA: 545,00 m² CLIMATE ZONE: III (CTE HE- 1) Average relative humidity: March 60 % / April 59% / May 58% / June 53% / % July 48 / August 50% / % September 57 / October 67% Monthly average of maximum daily temperature: March 15 º C / 17º C April / May 21 º C / July 26 º C / 35ºC August / 25º C September / October 19 º C