House in subtropical Sunshine Coast, Australia

This house was designed for the Client with special attention taken to the Sunshine Coast subtropical climate, where house is located.

House orientation, natural ventilation, insulation and appropriate shading have been incorporated into the overall design. Suspended timber flooring, the use of lightweight construction, mix of louvers, sliding windows and internal openings were specified to promote natural airflow inside house. To highlight views from kitchen, dining, living spaces,bedrooms and bathrooms areas, several “pictures” windows were created. Grater feeling of space inside was achieved trough the use of high ceilings and the reduction of dead space. All internal and external openings together with the stairs central open void were created to allow light to carve up the spaces around the house and visually to make house looks specious. House has not visually intrusive appearance and providing comfort and well –being feeling for its occupants.  

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