In 2006 Alvisi Kirimoto + Partners were commissioned to design the exhibition “Il Silenzio a Colori” dedicated to the artworks of famous Italian film director Michelangelo Antonioni. The exhibition was held at Hadrian's Temple in Rome. The exhibition setting was composed of two sections: one for paintings, comprising 16 MDF white panels and a black textile wall; one for the sculptures, comprising 4 squared MDF bases.
Exhibition of paintings by Michelangelo Antonioni, curated by Enrica Antonioni
location Tempio di Adriano, Roma
duration 29 settembre – 22 ottobre 2006
exhibition project Alvisi Kirimoto + Partners
construction Progetto Artiser
work tipe exhibition
size 230mq
schedule 14/29 September 2006
floor grey moquette
panels structure self-standing MDF panels
photographs Luigi Filetici