Inspired by the film Metropolis of Fritz Lang (1927), Metropol is a restaurant that
takes diners for the verticality of the city and proposes to open their senses, the
heart and reason to the culinary experience that will be unveiled on the tables.
The project sought to build bridges between visual art and the history of the work
Lang's cinematographic and Juskani Alonso Studio's own style.
Through lights and shadows, clear cuts and reminiscences of the Decó movement,
sought to represent the materiality of the city and recreate, on the one hand, the feeling of an overwhelming verticality that is sustained in the depth of the encounter of its inhabitants and, on the other, the fascination that the great metropolis caused in the artists of the early twentieth century.
Photography, characters and various scenes of the film are part of the space in
a reinterpretation and aesthetic translation that delineates the horizons of Metropolis in the walls, projects the stratification of the city in the lattices and materializes the heaviness of the industrial rhythm in his sculpture. The Garden of Eden flowers at the center of the tables under a light design that pays tribute to the expressionism of the film. During the process the main challenges were three. First, define a concept that
It will transform the narrative into space. Then, conform that space with the design and production of furniture based on the film –of its history and aesthetics–, to
bring it to the present and to the lines of the study. Finally, and the most enriching, was articulate the talent of the collaborators in the direction of a unique proposal that
allow to show the work and knowledge of each one and result in an environment that
it will assure the diner a fleeting experience with permanence in memory.
Juskani Alonso
Partners :
In Light We Trust | lighting designer & architects
Claudia Luna | Visual artist
R.O.C.A | floral studio
Caro Sánchez | illustrator