Large sized anthracite facade panels and high-contrast golden perforated balcony claddings are the two most notable exterior features of the two newly built multifamily houses in the Swiss city of Kilchberg near Zurich. “Organic design according to natural patterns”, is the way Architect Michèle Rota describes the idea behind the individually produced panels supplied by Bruag. Enabling privacy and a comfortable balcony atmosphere have been further priorities of the experienced architect. Due to the free choice of shapes and colours and the personal interaction with our technical team, Michèle Rota is still convinced that Bruag panels were the right choice for the project. “I was upset by the fact that inhabitants tended to add individual sight protections to transparent balconies, undermining the original idea of having a coherent building design.” Bruag can offer a solution to this problem – panels with an individual percentage of open space.
Multiple Dwelling Seestrasse 108 Kilchberg
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