‘PLAY 2 PLAY - Interfering dimensions’ was premiered on the 20th April 2007 at the Ryutopia in Niigata, where the first public dance company in Japan ‘Noism’ is based. The piece was afterwards performed in Shizuoka, Tokyo and Hyogo. In this piece, a challenge of synchronizing a multidisciplinary team of specialist in Choreography, Space, Music and Fashion was set forward by Jo Kanamori the Artistic Director of Noism dance company in Ryutopia. This decision to bring together a whole team of specialist into the making of one performance has put together into the same line the creative intension of these different specialists, thus producing a synchronized piece of ‘moving’ arts.
DGT created the sceneography for the piece – the space of performance was divided ‘front’ and ‘back’ by the intervention in the middle of stage and it begins to transform as scenery and interfering those divided parallel space. Their intervention presented a specific moment of existence; an illusion, a fiction composed of a simple geometrical form which contained a complexity of its own surfaces which created a rational absurdity and light brings time to space while darkness gives the same space a silence. The intervention stands on a stage whose presence poetically gives an order to the space through their own spatial dimensions.