A house on 110m2 with 30m2 terrace that floating could be a home that produces all of its own power. Which makes Surfer´s home, a floating home docked in Budapest, Hungary, very energy efficient and practical for the flood of the Dounau indeed. The house was designed after the Danish Regualtions 2020 which is even more efficient than Passive House Standards!
This house will be around 20 times more energy efficient than the average dwellings of similar size. Those standard building regualtions require a near-airtight building envelope and ultra-efficient insulation (in this case EPS insulation or water resistant hard mineral wool). The HVAC system with a 98% efficiency is engaged, a heat recovery system with solar panels producing energy for the whole house helps to make sure that it operates in the most efficient way possible deconnected from the main grid. The floating Surfer´s house roof is special designed for the movement of the Sun and is covered with solar photovoltaic panels, which cover 100 percent of its electricity needs. The house pulls water in directly from the natural body on which it floats, rendering that water suitable for household use through a built-in treatment system. A solar thermal system heats that water as needed for domestic requirements.