Single Family House in Cascais

Single Family House in Cascais

The house is settled perpendicular to Rua Professor Agostinho da Silva and occupies the central area of ​​the land. The present proposal aims to build a single-family house T5 that will fit into the plot oriented in the East-West direction.

Starting from the program established by the client, a contemporary design was created, capable of respecting the defined rules, seeking to establish a simple image and easy relationship with the place, simultaneously responding to the current demands of comfort and habitability.

The concept started from the difference in levels between the East and West sides of the terrain. This difference led to the option of building a ramp between the entrance to the lot and the entrance to the house.

In order to maintain a language of simple and clear lines, the exterior walls will be covered in prefabricated white concrete panels, with the exception of the entrance to the house where it was decided to mark it as a single element, with the exterior walls coated with Trespa panels with a wood finish. Given the solar orientation of the land, the main divisions of the house are facing south, enjoying a balcony and terraces that extend the interior space to the outside thus creating a great visual range.

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