SUPERSYMMETRY is an exhibition project that aims to maintain great respect of the historical building in which it is inserted employing an artistic language of the apparent break with its composure. The proposed projects, fully reversible, reflect a strong continuity among them and they always try to combine the strong visual impact of the painted furniture with functional and flexible use of the spaces in which these are inserted.

In line with the request of the client, the proposed interventions have not altered any architectural surface; the anamorphic paintings have been made on plasterboard or fireproof MDF panels and applied directly to walls and ceilings.

The three-dimensional MDF wings on which the anamorphic paintings were realized to characterize the common spaces; in this way, the installation becomes not only pictorial scenery but also functional spaces.

These consist in small waiting is lands on the first floor where the executive offices are located, while, on the second floor and in the common room, more flexible and articulated solutions have been created that combine seats and tops allowing different uses depending on the circumstances.

Material Used :
1. Interior furniture: MISERERE Falegnami
2. Artwork: TRULY Urban Artists