The exhibition shows the work of 5 architects, who use the local materials and the implication of the local manpower to start thinking on their project. These architects are spread out over the 5 continents and work on uncertain economic environments and exhibit that the shortage of resources can be an encouragement to technical innovations and it can be olsa, the basis of a responsible, beautiful and exciting architecture. It has been used only a third of the budgets for the exhibition design. The other 2/3 has been invested on making Workshops inside the showroom, with 15 students and young architects headed by each architect. A total of 75 young architects and student with 5 five Architects exhibited. The exhibition design should solve the challenge of making a lively exhibition, on process, where are incorporated gradually the work of each workshop. Thus, it is betted on an educational approach thru transmission of culture and knowledge by unconventional means, using, in a responsible way, the budget for the exhibition. The exhibition design has 3 differentiated parts: On the one hand, the work of the 5 architects is exhibited on wood boards which gives a warm and touch feeling to exhibition. These panels are surrounded with big pictures 1:1 scale, who wrapped the visitor in the places where are situated the projects. Some cut characters tell us stories, with comic bubbles, about their everyday desires and dreams, so that the architecture is understood as a means to perform and not as an end in itself. In another part of the exhibition, has been made an installation with various "raw materials" as adobe, bamboo, clay and pottery vessels whose are used in the projects. Finally, it has been assigned a specific place to place the the workshops and incorporate the final results as they happen. To order the predictable heterogeneity of graphic documents, has chosen to use fruit boxes with a very low cost, which give a modulated landscape with a clear message about the austerity of exhibition planning.
Exhibition design, graphics and illustrations Equipo 01 Jesús San Vicente Cristina Miguelena Almudena Mestre Elsa Galicia Raquel Gutiérrez García Celia García Albertos
Curator Luis Fernández-Galiano
Catalogue Un proyecto de Arquitectura Viva
Photographs Julio César González