This house is part of an old Athenian neighborhood with unique character, at the base of the hill of Filopappos. It occupies a small piece of land between two other houses, its main elevation towards the city street, and also, a small back yard. The arrangement of this house is an application of the modernist concept of the “primary habitable box”, or the minimum “life container”, after the Greek architect, Aris Konstantinidis. Instead of a design made by plates and free surfaces, hereby, the treatment of a solid “box” shape is prominent in the design and facilitates the integration of the house within the old neighborhood. The precise, massive boundary towards the public street shelters the delicate intimacy of “private life”, as it encloses all the collective and individual activity of the dwellers. Rooms are arranged along a flowing spiral expansion rising through a sequence of split- levels placed one and a half meter higher from one another, beginning from ground level until they reach the green roof. The interior gap between split-levels becomes a spatial core, focal in the design. Despite the clear boundary of the private residence and public city space, the house retains a social façade, through a balanced visual and spatial intercourse between public and private. There is a controlled interpenetration of the “exterior” and the “interior”.
The design involves:
1. The main residence vertically expanding in split levels, that accommodate a living room, kitchen, an office space with an outdoor terrace and a view of the street, bedrooms and three levels of outdoor roof gardens.
2. The space of cultural activities that is used for performances and exhibitions. This space occupies the ground floor and the first basement and has independent access from the street.Primary material of the structural frame and the outer skin of the building is the uncovered, unpainted concrete.
Material Used:
1. Halyps Cements (Greece) /Heidelberg Cement group
2. Knauf gypsum boards
3. Schucco Aluminum systems