The Window Factory is conceptualised as an Experience Centre, consisting of two galleries that are demarcated through visually permeable divisions.
Acknowledging the requirement for spatial variety and interconnectedness, the design allows the visitor to walk from one zone to another and observe the different products in context. The Window Factory store is designed as an example of how spatial design can help redefine the interface between the company and the customer, effectively asserting the brand image.
The store occupies 3,320 sq. ft. of floor space comprising of two galleries. Towards the front is Gallery 01, which houses the general range of products offered by TWF. This gallery is open and accessible to visitors at all working hours. Beyond Gallery 01 - accessed by a sliding door - is Gallery 02 which features pricier products.
In addition to windows, the store also features ACP sheets, aluminium facades and casings. In keeping with the theme, these materials are displayed by means of various design interventions. In the reception, this manifests as being cladded on the walls to create a ‘cave’ that leads towards the maze of windows within.
To maintain visual coherence, a 9” by 9” black metallic grid was used in conjunction with black flooring and walls, to tie the space together by providing a constant amid the mass of materials. The use of the metallic grid introduces a sense of enclosure within the expansive space, while still maintaining transparency. The irregular openings in the square grid serve as points of transition, lending the space an air of informality and fluidity.
Maintaining consistency, other areas use a similar material palette. The result is a warm space in the dual tones of wood and metal. The resultant design allows the visitor to immerse themselves in a dynamic spatial experience.