Beyond a vast clearing, I’m able spot an immense green mass that stands out on the horizon. It, strangely, magnetizes me like a mirage, attracts me with a strange and extraordinary force to its inside as if there was something there to be felt. Unconsciously, I walk slowly toward it, cross the clearing and gradually the undergrowth approaches my waist. I run my hand gently over it, as it grows and welcomes my body, as if to hold me gently.
In wandering, as if hypnotized, I try to get to its inside, and while I approach it becomes denser, always gradually, in imperceptible transitions I become small towards the size that it takes with every new step I take. I Feel no abrupt interruption, everything flows, it is always a constant in passing, a continuum, a feeling that binds to the next, even if, at times, my eyes are set on small details that compose it, I’m not trapped in them and keep on going.
It’s not only me who is moving, it moves in response to me and to multitude of other elements over which I have no control. We move together to the point of not knowing if it is interfering with me or if I interfere with it. Gradually, as a discovery, I spot a distinct point of light; I am attracted to it; I walk towards it. The closer I get the stronger it becomes. In the beginning it was only one point, now it’s a strong beam of light that blends to the sense of enfolding that it has with my body. At every step the light gets more intense until the moment I'm about to touch it, but for this I now need to break a barrier, a portal. I do not hesitate and enter. As in an epiphany, I step in the clearing where, once again, the light abounds and disrupts the smooth transition that I had experienced. Now, everything is clear and even more vertical, the scale is another and I think how would it be like if others were here enjoying this same place.
Between coming and going, between access and exit, between the different hierarchies, how does my body behave? What if no further door was opened? What would happen if the simple displacement enabled us not only to access, but also provided a wide range of sensations indicative of the experience of the present and not of a new state to which one dreams to access? What if the dialectics conformed through a sensorial rupture, such as those routinely established between public and private, between inside and outside, between the past and the future were dissociated?
Since there is no way to experience a metaphysical knowledge about an upcoming state - be inside or outside, for example - you can only experience it from the moment you find yourself in this other state. I.e. we only understand what it really means to "be inside" once we live this new moment.
We aim to lengthen the breach that occurs between two distinct states, to dissolve a rigid line in a gradient of points that expand and, thereby, to conform a space that reminds us, now and continuously, of a present being in between, or through.