Topolopompo is a fire kitchen restaurant inspired by the exotic culinary traditions of the East. Its fire isomnipresent not only in every single dish but also physically as a prominent and active participant inspace.

Topolopompo alludes to a tribal bonfire seating of old where tales and myths crystallized intoindigenous cultural heritage.Inspired by landscapes of the East; fertile valleys, rice terraces and mountain tops, Topolopopocelebrates this morphology and introduces abundant possibilities for social gatherings along the routefrom the” valley” to the “mountain top”.

These social landscapes are dominated by a mythical Fire Dragon, the spirit behind Topolopompo. WhileIt hovers all around the space veiling with its translucent golden tail the different landscapes, itsmovement brings about a rich sense of layering, mystery and ever changing presence of a primordialexperience .Its scales pattern - the 3d hexagon concrete tiles design- serve as a sensual backdrop for them all.The light experience within is inspired by the soft and silky resonance of Asian paper lanterns and by thetwinkling magical air of the fire-flies.

The lanterns bring to each of the communal tables a sense of a unique and intimate place while thejoyful “fire-flies” echo the vigorous gatherings along the linear communal table.The alcohol venue of Topolopmpo is prevailed by the traditional steam-baskets laid one on top of theother, re-inventing function and suggesting a new breed of a cultural surface imprinted with hundredsof years of craft and cooking traditions and a journey through time and place.Topolopompo is made of Bamboo wood and Lava stone, both incarnate the eternal presence andimportance of nature in our life.

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Product spec sheet


Suspension lamp Plass in Restaurant Topolompo

If designing a setting means choosing the sensations it should stir, then light becomes a raw material to turn every space into a scenery that is unique and filled with character. This is Foscarini's approach to the contract world in a nutshell.

Topolopompo, designed by Baranowitz Kronenberg Architecture, is a restaurant-landscape, rooted in primordial symbolism but translated with lush, contemporary sensibilities. Made of lava and bamboo, allegories of mythical dragons in the form of enveloping textile coils.

Light is crucial in interior design. Light sources scattered like fireflies brighten a long linear table ready and evoke nocturnal magic, like the hazy delicacy of traditional Asian lanterns. They welcome lively conversations, while Plass by Foscarini makes an elegant entrance over the central tables, granting them a sense of special intimacy with direct light on their surfaces, while enhancing the space with cast reflections and other transparencies.

The lamp Plass interprets the traditional image of an ancient glass pearl in the light of a contemporary process and material on a larger scale: the result is fascinating and magical light, thanks to the light that comes from within and that is refracted on the incisions that run through its surface. Due to its appeal, volume, material and shape, Plass is ideal for use in large spaces, including ones with high ceilings, alone or in multiple compositions.

Brand description
Research and innovation, attention to quality in production and services offered, an international focus, maximum flexibility and, above all, a product-centred culture that is the result of good design: these are the elements that characterise Foscarini’s company identity. As a result of these qualities, Foscarini has managed to develop its collection of models with a strong personality, the fruit of coherence between design and production. Its partnership with grand masters and young talents from the international design circuit, with different types of professional experience and creativity, the central nature of the project and the company’s flexibility, have led to original products that are dictated each time by the features of each single design. Foscarini’s international focus has led it to develop a solid sales network, with over 2500 multibrand sales points in 50 countries, with the support of high quality customer service, UNI EN ISO 9001 certified since 1996. All this has allowed Foscarini to launch its “Successful Living from Diesel with Foscarini” collection, the result of a partnership with Diesel, an international brand and lifestyle leader: new language and new aesthetics to conquer a new public.
Products applied in Cultural
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