Tree Fungus
Studio Floris Wubben

Tree Fungus

The design Tree Fungus is a furniture where two halves of a pollard willow have been connected by a parasite-like structure. By means of this combination a roomdivider arises.

When you open a willow stem you will find a lot of fungi and moulds. The parasite-like structure is inspired on these fungi and moulds. The parasite-like structure is inspired on these fungi and moulds.

The pollard willow is a typical Dutch tree, but because of construction projects you will observe these trees fewer in Dutch nature. This willow had been cut down for such project. This project had been put in practice jointly with the artist Bauke Fokkema.

The Tree Fungus is projected to be part of the exhibition “Against the Grain”, organized by the Museum of Arts & Design in New York (see more info under NEWS).

This piece is also currently being considered for the permanent collection of the Museum of Arts and Design in New York.

Project credits


Product spec sheet


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