Workshop AWEL in Andelfingen - The concept for the building draws on traditional agricultural construction while at the same time, so to speak, realizing a childhood dream: stacking up and layering simple wooden blocks to build an elementary structure. The workshop is made up of 36 solid wood elements.

Every single element has its own structural effect, protecting the space and forming part of the whole. Everything that is necessary is there, with nothing superfluous added. The solid timber support structure is visible both inside and out. Restraint is the creative byword here. But the simplicity is anything but ordinary. The workshop draws on the principles of block assembly – taking it to undreamt-of dimensions – intermeshing the elements at the corners. The wooden elements are interconnected on the building site in only two days, so that the rather soft components come together to form a stable structure.

The timber used regrows in Swiss forests in just 18 minutes.