
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about nursery

Project • By Studioarch4Nurseries

Lidhja e Prizrenit Kindergarden

“Lidhja e Prizrenit” kindergarten is located in Paskuqan, Kamëz, near Tirana River. After the earthquake of November 2019, the existing structure was beyond repair, so a new building was required to accommodate a growing number of children in the area. The new kindergarten serves 250 children between the ages of 2 and 6. The primary goal for this project was set on creating contemporary learning spaces that are easily adapted to different activities and in accordance with the specific age group that will use them. Besart Cani Besart Cani Distinctive features of the project are the inner courtyard and the facade. Due to the fact that physical activity plays a crucial part in the healthy development of the children... More

Project • By COMAMALA ISMAILNurseries

Nursery Ried-Brig

Ried-Brig is small village situated along the road that connects through the Simplon Pass, the Canton of Valais in Switzerland with Italy. Its small and picturesque historic city-center was during the last decades circumscribed by a natural urban expansion. Although it has kept its attractiveness it has lost its centrality and significance. The project site is situated at the entrance of this historic city center and encompasses the village school premises, a parking lot and a sports facility building. All these elements are scattered on the existing geography and are the result of successive interventions throughout the years, resulting in a space without a clear order and identity. DMK Photography DMK Photography DMK Photogra... More


Himawari Nursery School

-Zoning to create interaction among different age groups This is a relocation and new construction project for a nursery school in Musashimurayama City, Tokyo. The area has a generous atmosphere, with residential areas spreading out toward the Musashino Plateau and Sayama Hills. The previous building was a two-story RC structure, and children's activities were divided between the upper and lower floors. For the new building, the client wanted a one-story wooden structure in order to enrich the interaction and experiences of children of different ages. By placing the nursery room, hall, and other childcare functions on the first floor and the reception desk and other staff functions on the second floor, the zoning was designed to prevent th... More

Project • By KLAB architecture (kinetic lab of architecture)Nurseries

Public Nursery in Glyfada

The design and construction of public buildings in Greece is problematic, as the architect is not in charge of the construction. One of the biggest challenges of this project was to reintroduce the role of the architect as the essential contributor. Mariana Bisti Mariana Bisti Additionally, we intended to give prominence to the construction method of prefabrication. Prefabrication, one of the conditions of the competition also defined the final form of the building as the basic module would have to be transported on a truck. Mariana Bisti Mariana Bisti The concept of the project was to design a building that would relate to the scale of its users while also introducing a new typology, that of the urban village. The mai... More

Project • By LACROIX CHESSEXNurseries

056_FTX Crèche route de Frontenex, Geneva

This detached house, located at 54 Route de Frontenex, is part of a preserved area of historic urban fabric. Built in 1868, it comprises three residential floors above a semi-basement ground floor used for industrial purposes, as well as two low annexes set at right angles to the house, forming a courtyard, and a garden at the rear. Olivier di Giambattista The property was acquired by the City of Geneva in 1951 and has undergone various transformations. In 2014, a call for tenders was launched for the installation of a crèche. This does not affect the main building’s currently residential upper floors. Olivier di Giambattista The chosen project adapts itself to the existing structures of the building, which is prote... More

Project • By LACROIX CHESSEXNurseries

045_JON Public facilities building at Jonction

The project forms part of the eco-district at Jonction. This public facilities building complements the three existing residential units. Its programme includes a crèche, a sports hall, premises for extracurricular activities and a multi-purpose hall. Olivier di Giambattista On the site, this public facilities building is organized according to the principle of differentiated, yet related blocks offset against each other. The building’s compact design frees up land for a high-quality urban public space within the new district. This square is in continuity with a series of urban open spaces that end at the corner opening onto the Rue des Gazomètres, thus creating a new entrance to the former Artamis site. Olivier... More

Project • By LACROIX CHESSEXNurseries

040_LAN Crèche at La Chapelle-Les Sciers, Lancy

This project exploits a magnificent location, an open clearing with two tall Spanish firs and an orchard on a gentle incline, by bringing the landscape into the heart of the building. The crèche and the playground are envisaged as two pieces of a puzzle and as the interpenetration of the interior and exterior worlds. Joël Tettamanti The playground, a safe, protected external space where the children spend a great deal of time, is a key element in the project and is just as important as its alter ego, the building itself. Sunk 60 cm below the natural ground level, the playground sets itself apart from the rest of the clearing. Encircled by a long, continuous bench, it creates a special and privileged relationship with the n... More

Project • By mia2 ArchitekturNurseries

Child care center Hauderweg

The Hauderweg child care facility is located near the center of Ebelsberg (southern district of Linz) and is embedded in a quality garden with beautiful old trees. It is well connected to the public transport network by tram. Access to the day care center and kindergarten is along the calm street Hauderweg. It is an ideal location for a childcare facility (also due to its proximity to the school). Kurt Hörbst Kurt Hörbst The existing building from the 1980s had to be renovated. Two outdated additions were removed to make room for a quality new building of the day care center, that has to be the space for 9 groups. This two- storey, compact, L-shaped building was positioned in the construction window in such a way, that... More

Project • By Ante PrimaNurseries

Au Grand Air

Before even looking at the project itself, most people ask me: “But how did you end up doing a project in India?” The truth is so unbelievable that I sometimes hesitate to tell it, not because I wish to embellish the story but rather to make it more believable. So here is the real story 11h45 In December 2015, the agency was going through a critical period. One day, in the middle of a lunch break, the phone rang. At the other end of the line, a very enthusiastic man, with a strong Indian accent, asked to speak with me about a daycare project in India. As I was unavailable, the call did not reach me. We considered the phone call as a hoax and then forgot about it. Fortunately, the man called again the day after. We agreed t... More

Project • By Dietrich UntertrifallerOffices


The planned multifunctional building “Rubina”, located on the former site of the Nibelungen barracks in Regensburg is a new educational and care centre for young people. The building houses a kindergarten, the energy education centre, offices for the energy agency and scientific rooms for  the MINT for Kids.programme The complex is divided into two square buildings. Surrounded by generous outdoor areas, they stand freely on a common platform and allow views into the greenery. David Matthiessen David Matthiessen The western structure accomodating the energy education centre is the more mature of the two buildings. Its simple horizontal structure and the exterior wooden glass facade convey objectivity and farsighte... More

Project • By Marin Binicki, Sinisa Blazenka and Marko SalopekNurseries

Vrbani II Kindergarten

Lead architects: Marin Binički, Siniša Blaženka & Marko Salopek Design team: Marin Binički, Siniša Blaženka, Marko Salopek and Vlasta Binički (KAT d.o.o.)  Client: City of Zagreb / Contractor: AB gradnja  Collaborators: Electrical engineering: Darko Žerjav - ELAG, Technology: Marko Bajič - Alarm automatika, Mechanical engineering: Nikola Zadravec - Eco Plan, Fire Protection/Life Safety: Martina Gajdek - FLAMIT, Landscape design: Ivanka Mlinarić, Road design: Robert Gojani - ROBUR, Land survey: Miroslav Sokolaj - GEO 88, Geotechnical report: Ivan Matković - IGH Project design start: 2005 / Project design completion: 2019   The Vrbani II kindergarten was built in 2020 in the Zagreb neighbo... More

Project • By Binst Architects nvCare Homes

Care Center

Newly built 118 service flats with service centre and nursery Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen has built a care centre in the new residential area of Groen Zuid in Hoboken. The buildings are located in the park according to the master plan designed by Stramien and Binst Architects. Underneath the complex, parking spaces are provided for the staff and for the residents of the service flats. The 118 service flats are spread across three towers comprising 5, 9 and 11 storeys. Together with the end sections of the 'green fingers' from the master plan, the care complex forms a backdrop to the green park, which increases in height as the distance to the existing buildings expands. This provides a good connection to the existing buildings and also an elevati... More

Project • By Atelier Starzak StrebickiNurseries

Interior of an Kindergarten no 42 „Kwiaty Polskie”

The design was an integral part of a project dedicated to the promotion of kids' active learning in a nursery environment - in which the kindergarten participated. The project's objective was to draft a space for learning and playing that would facilitate changes in the way teachers work with children in accordance with the idea of active learning.   On the building’s first floor there are two adjacent classes, both spacious and rectangular in shape. Between them there used to be a pair of double-winged – and usually closed - doors. After consultations with teachers of the neighbouring groups we decided to open up the space and enable the free flow of children and their activities between the rooms. The massive upholstere... More

Project • By Kaminsky ArkitekturNurseries

Preschool Lärkgatan in Bjuv

Project preschool Lärkgatan in south Swedish county of Bjuv aims for a building with strong connections to local brick building traditions.  The site is part of an old mill community, and the building will speak the language of local tradition. With brick as a characteristic building material for this region, it turned out to be the natural material of choice. We have also focused on highlighting the county´s  tile manufacturing heritage, expressed in the use of locally connected CC Höganäs tiles in the building´s bathrooms. The Lärkgatan preschool project meets the standards of Swedish environmental certification Miljöbyggnad Silver, calling for high performance solutions in ventilation and... More

Project • By MARGA ROTGER interiorismeNurseries

Escoleta Blaucel

During the first three years of life, children need to experience continuously. Therefore, during the interior design project of Blaucel Kindergarten, we have tried to fully satisfy all their needs.   The inspiration of this project has a close relationship with the logo. We have created an imaginary world, where children come into the world of “Celeta”, logo´s girl.Go into the Blaucel kindergarten is like going into an imaginary world, where the children are the main protagonists.   The creation of an architectural code is the base of the whole project. When children come in the kindergarten they find, at the entrance, a minimalist swing, like a playground in a city, with cushions hand painted by them. Walk... More