Holland Casino
Eric Laignel

Holland Casino

ARUP als Ingenieure

Holland Casino recognised the emergence of a new kind of casino: an integrated entertainment venue offering gambling, music, dancing, food and drink within a stylish and contemporary atmosphere. Arup and iCrave architects were appointed to re-conceptualise the Holland Casino Rotterdam.

The solution is a flow of space and light that feels more like a nightclub than a typical casino, featuring several areas with no gaming machines at all. The main spaces are defined by lighting features which give each area a unique atmosphere. The walls of the existing casino have been clad in glossy, reflective black panels, tilted to reflect the lighting design and give a feeling of infinite space.

Dynamic LED ceiling panels and tickers in the slot machine area move and flash based on the gaming activity, extending the excitement into the architectural space. An open screen-wall of curving wooden beams marks the restaurant area. Highlighting the beams from top and bottom sculpts light around them creating a sense of enclosure for patrons.

Working to a strict budget and power consumption requirements, the lighting scheme plays an important role in defining the space and creating atmosphere. Also, by creating separate lighting systems for work and casino lighting, perfect light levels can be achieved for each space. This allows the use of efficient, long-lasting sources for work lighting and crisp halogen light sources for casino lighting. The refurbished venue opened in November 2009.

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