Oschadbank VIP Office
Andrii Avdeenko

Oschadbank VIP Office

MAKHNO Studio als Architekten

Oschadbank is a national bank of Ukraine whose a strategic statement sounds as “My bank. My country”. Sergey Makhno Architects challenge was to transmit Ukrainian authenticity and culture, but move away from a strictness that financial institutions used to have. Design studio wanted to make the bank human and welcoming to people.


Sergey Makhno Architects developed a non-standard concept ‘bank as a gallery’. It’s a contemporary office design based on paintings, sculptures, art decor and lighting. Studio is proud of its handmade lamps that are created and produced for the interior. Like in a gallery, the bank ‘expositions’ can change. No strict bindings to the elements, but to the art itself.


“We started with art and finished with art. But we didn't think about art when we were working. We thought about things to match philosophy of a future place” ─ Sergey Makhno, a founder of the contemporary Ukrainian design workshop. 


Due to materials ─ concrete, wood, marble ─ the interior is wrapped in a natural envelope. Different textures and combinations allowed to create more inspiring and comfortable work environment. In addition to this, Sergey Makhno Architects preserved the inner skeleton of the building. For example, integrated old columns.


The walls were chosen as accents ─ from tactile pleasant whimsical 3D panels to plant-covered green walls that extend from an entrance to workstations and hid a cabinet system in the hall.


In a meeting room studio decorated the walls with wooden panels show patterns repeating Ukrainian embroidery. The national idea is also represented by decorative pottery ─ one of Ukrainian signs that came from the Tripoli time.


Sergey Makhno Architects wanted to provide workers with flexible working places and encourage a dynamic and collaborative workspace.


“People are always looking for interactions. The modular furniture components can be mixed and moved around, and it offers multiple combinations”, ─ Sergey Makhno.


Sergey Makhno Architects brought art into the bank office. It resembles a gallery, but very ‘human’. Every tiny detail is made to be comfortable for everyone ─ bank workers and clients.


Material Used:
1. Lakuna lamps by Sergey Makhno Architects 

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