Transparent staircase cladding made of HAVER Architectural Mesh.

HAVER and BOECKER como Staircase cladding made of HAVER Architectural Mesh

Located towards Mont Blanc, Les Arc is one of the most famous ski resorts in the French Alps. Above the Isère valley, the ski resort, surrounded by forests and precipices, is comprised by 4 villages: Les Arcs 1600, Les Arcs 1800, Les Arcs 1950 and Les Arcs 2000.

As a connection between the new indoor swimming pool in Les Arcs 1800, a new elevator and stair tower was designed by the architect Yves de Preval. The tower received a wire mesh cladding from HAVER Architectural Mesh DOGLA-TRIO 1033. The stainless steel wire mesh DOGLA-TRIO is a robust meshtype, which gets its structure from clusters of vertical wires. In close up DOGLA-TRIO looks very robust but when viewed from a distance it appears as a delicate fabric.

Depending on sun reflection and viewing angles, the semi-transparent cladding made of wire mesh DOGLA-TRIO 1033 appears from the outside opaque or transparent. And from the inside, the wire mesh with its open area of 67 % does not affect the stunning panoramic view of the Alps.

HAVER & BOECKER supplied in total 473 m² of architectural wire mesh cladding for the stair tower in Les Arcs 1800.

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Staircase cladding made of HAVER Architectural Mesh
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Staircase cladding made of HAVER Architectural MeshHAVER and BOECKER
Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto
Staircase cladding made of HAVER Architectural Mesh
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