Aoki & Shinagawa + Associates
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Aoki & Shinagawa + Associates
Aoki & Shinagawa + Associates

Aoki & Shinagawa + Associates

Having graduated from Tokyo University Jun Aoki worked at Arata Isozaki & Associates before establishing his own Tokyo-based practice in 1991 to do 'anything that seemed interesting'. Subsequent works have included diverse directions such as a series of houses, public architecture, and fashion boutiques as a current series of Louis Vuitton stores. A swimming pool at YUSUIKAN(1993) that investigates some of the themes of the more recent project,FUKUSHIMA LAGOON MUSEUM(1997) which won the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Award, the AOMORI MUSEUM OF ART, the Grand Award of the international competition completed in 2005 and opened in 2006. An artwork at U bis shows another side of his creation as an artist. Commended his architectural achievements, Jun Aoki was awarded The Minister of Education’s Art Encouragement Prize in 2005.
Nos projets
Aoki & Shinagawa + Associates Bureaux
Jun Aoki and Associates Minato-ku
MAK flat 2F, Minato-ku, Japan