Health Team Vienna

Südspidol, Luxembourg

Architects Collective en tant que Architectes.

A district develops
A building complex representing cutting edge and future oriented hospital architecture is currently being built on the grounds of a 122,000 m² plot in the south of Luxembourg, scheduled to be completed by 2031. The award winning healthcare design for the second largest hospital in Luxembourg is proof of the critical roles that aesthetics, functionality, creativity and practicality play to ensure the wellbeing of patients and the comfort of staff and visitors.

photo_credit Health Team Vienna
Health Team Vienna

Make one out of three
The new hospital complex consists of three separate clinics in the shape of triangular buildings, to house all departments and institutes of a general hospital. Among them are the main hospital with ambulance and care areas, cancer center and the departments of psychiatry and geriatric medicine. The building complex is characteristic of a green campus with open spaces and a diverse landscape, all of which is connected by an underground supply and disposal area.

photo_credit Health Team Vienna
Health Team Vienna

Friendly efficiency
The backbones of the project are a carefully planned structure that meets the human, i.e. patient requirements, as well as the complex medical procedures of a process oriented hospital. In addition, the planning team focused on minimizing pathways for an optimal navigation, the inclusion of nature and the creation of comfortable rooms to support the recovery and wellbeing of patients.

photo_credit Health Team Vienna
Health Team Vienna

Project description: Construction of a hospital

Location: Esch sur Alzette, LUX

Client: Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch

Architecture: Health Team Vienna, Albert Wimmer ZT-GmbH & Architects Collective

Competition: 1st prize EU-wide competition, 2014-2015

Planning services: Design & site supervision

Completion: 2031

photo_credit Health Team Vienna
Health Team Vienna
photo_credit Health Team Vienna
Health Team Vienna
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