In the Normandy region of France, this new studio provides an outpost outside of Paris for French conceptual artist Jean-Luc Moulène. Adjacent to a cluster of farm buildings, the project by Didier Fiúza Faustino is conceptualized with precise and minimal language developed around gesture, work, and creation to best meet the needs of the artist.

Spaces respond to the artist's different use of production and use of tools at the scale of both the hand and the machine. More intimate spaces, conducive to reflection and rest, are also included. All spaces consider different strategies for lighting, including both natural and artificial.

From the outside, the building comprises a series of volumes arranged over five parallel bays measuring 4m wide each. Each volume has a north-facing translucent sloping façade. Inside, the floor plan features an open space of 265 m2 with a maximum height of 8-meters at the ridge.

The walls are roof are made of prefabricated wood-framed caissons fixed to a reinforced concrete slab and covered with a black rubber membrane. The uniform matt black skin creates the effect of the building as a shadow, disappearing into its environment. The structure is reduced to the barest of essentials.

Lighting for the studio comes from atelier Fiúza Faustino. Lamps spearing in the project will feature in EXIST/RESIST; the first institution exhibition surveying the artist/architect’s three decades of practice. The exhibition opens this fall at MAAT in Lisbon, Portugal.