With Homebyme, the consumer becomes an active participant in the changes made to their living spaces. Planning DIY projects for their home and then carrying them out becomes a source of enjoyment.
As an online service dedicated to the home, Homebyme enables users to visualise their living spaces. Consumers create an online mock-up of this living space, virtually make decisions and subsequently make their envisioned changes, drawing on a catalogue of 20,000 products from partner brands and an interface facilitating communication with other platform users and home industry professionals.
As a true cornerstone conveying this concept, the aim is for this service to become the leading standard in terms of homes, facilitating communication between consumers and professionals.
Drawing on the 3DVIA apps by Dassault Systèmes, the platform facilitates discussions between the various industry players and consumers, enabling each one to visualise, personalise, design, manage and share their DIY home project.