Construction A flexible non-lead loaded solid mass barrier fusion-bonded to a 1/4" ,8 to 10 # density closed-cell PVC foam decoupler.
Physical Properties:
Overall Gauge: 340 Mils Tolerance:.330" - .410" Weight: 179 oz/ sq.yd. Tolerance: 165-203 oz/sq.yd. Average Foam Density: 8~10 lbs. / cubic ft.
Thermal Conductivity : .354(btu- in/hr-sq.ft. -Fo) ASTM C-177-97(k value) Thermal Resistance : .977(hr-sq.ft.-oF /btu) ASTMC-177-97 Thermalj Insulative : 2. 82(hr-sq.ft.-oF /btu-in) ASTMC-177-97(rvalue)
Sound Transmission Loss (dB) at 1/3 Octave Bane Center FreQuencies(Hz) HZ/dB 125/17 250/19 500/23 1000/28 2000/31 4000/38 STC/27