“bored out of its aristocratic life it turned into stone in order to endure the unmerciful weather, live outside, sleep under the stars and be connected to life”
Concrete urban bench made up with flexible moulds, an unknown technique developed by Grupo Bondi. This technique allows us to achieve great finished surfaces, fluid shapes and back-flows, successfully enabled by going beyond traditional rigid-mould systems. From a common material such as concrete we have made high quality pieces.A one-piece, solid bench. What are supposed to be the capitone buttons are now the rainwater drain holes. As time goes by, its structure and finish remain inalterable. It will last a lifetime.
participants ivan lopez prystajko/eugenio gomez llambi
materials casted concrete / aluminium (holes for water drainage) / iron Cast Legs
measurements 60cm x 140cm x 40cm
weight 145 kgs