Verheyen Precast is a leading manufacturer of precast constructions thanks to its international experience and knowhow. Through cooperation with several foreign engineers and precasters Verheyen is able to come up with solutions for the ever changing building issues. As a member of the Altus Group, Verheyen is able to offer the experience of about two dozen of the largest precasters, resulting in more efficient, greener, and lighter buildings.
C-GRID® product of the future
Since 2011 Verheyen is using carbon fibre mesh in its precast constructions. C-GRID®, produced by Chomarat NA is a thin carbon fibre mesh with an epoxy coating. Due to its qualities the material ables to create Thin Hybrid walls used as precast cladding for new buildings and renovations. It also has the capability to produce fully loadbearing sandwichpanels used to build without supporting columns. At this moment Verheyen produced about 40 000m² of Carboncast loadbearing panels.
Through its experience Verheyen has always come up with new and challenging precast concrete products. Together with architects and engineers the most suitable solution is found for projects.