The LED-Downlight E8 combines fulfi lling the requirements for cost-effectiveness, the resource-saving use of energy, and the well-being of the individual in one light source, and opens up new possibilities in general lighting. Through energy-effi cient LED technology, the LED-Downlight E8 achieves the same lighting level as 75 W halogen lamps or 26 W compact fl uorescent lamps with very high light quality. The control of E8 can be done by 1-10V technology or by the digital protocol DMX. The LED-Downlight E8 can be used in widely varying applications, where individual needs and the well-being of individuals are of utmost importance, for example: in restaurants, in the hotel business, in wellness centres or for pleasant illumination in one’s own home. The lighting level of the 12 W LED-Downlight E8 can be compared to: 75 W halogen lamp QT12 (low voltage) 26 W compact fl uorescent lamp TC-DEL (CFL)
Main benefi ts from LED-Downlight E8: • Tuneable White 2,700 - 6,500 K • Excellent CRI 90 • Highest Effi ciency