“granum opaca hell” adds white nuances to the light shades of brown. Brickmaker Jörn Hebrok has blended together soft, harmonious colour tones. Light and shade are reflected in a subtle, yet lively manner.
“Original waterstruck clinker bricks” are solid bricks produced using the water-struck method in accordance with DIN EN 771-1, DIN 20000-401.
Standard format approx. 240x115x71 mm and thin format approx. 240x115x52 mm, shaped bricks and closers available custom-made on request!
“Original waterstruck clinker bricks” by the privately owned brickworks Hebrok are produced using the water-struck method. Given that the clay is placed into and pressed out of the moulds under running water, every single brick has its own distinct look. Finely nuanced differences make each individual clinker brick unique. The solid bricks possess special characteristic and optical features, which are intentional.
Technical characteristics:
The product is frost-resistant, and has high-quality properties with regard to water absorption, body density and compressive strength.