Kids play beneath the Likán hill, while at the centre of the discussion leading to Likandes’ design a possible evolution in the educational model is being asserted.

A busy urban life creates frictions at the lack of resources, inequity and violence which bring challenges to schools who are criticized as the depositor of families’ yearnings. They demand the support from the community and from outside the cities outskirts, seeking for a scenario to breathe, develop trust and build collaborative intelligence.

Learning by doing is celebrated in this park through five landscape constellations enhanced by architecture, the first construction being the Shadow Pavilion. The slope, the esplanade, the river, the plateau and the forest determine our actions, thoughts and feelings.

The Andes in the background unfolds the limited spatial possibilities of the classroom, becoming a unique natural scenario for transforming experiences, strengthening the kid’s skills and thereby forming strong, effective bonds.

Primary design is considered essential to recover the harmonic balance with nature, expressing the quest of the inhabitants of the inherited slopes of the Andes.