Creating premises befitting a leading generalinsurance provider entailed careful consideration forhow the 78,000sq ft space would be utilised. Theclient required the incorporation of an Activity BasedWorking (ABW) concept and Mobility strategies,which would also include a new 2,540 sqft retailspace and a customer service centre.
The overarching objective for the new offices was to cater towards future expansion, where the aim would be to adequately house more than 1,200end-users by 2022. Bringing together staff fromAXA’s general and life insurance businesses intoa single location, the intention for the project wasto drive colleague and client excellence, whilecontinuing to attract top-level talent to the firm.To accomplish this SCA Design conceptualised aunique work environment that promoted innovationand collaboration, based on key design principles thatwould help optimise the company’s operations.
Working to deliver a platform that fullysupported the needs of multiple end-users,the designers successfully maximised agilityand flexibility. Featuring typical floorplansthat leveraged on the entry points into thework areas, the new office includes a varietyof effective spaces that can support differentwork styles - promoting more connectivity andtransparency across the workplace.